

Ruangan Click

May 06

Renaming Java Titles

The following steps will guide you on how to rename a Java Application / Game so that your desired name will appear on the phone.

Note: You must acquire the following software.

0 - Archiving software - e.g. WinRAR, WinZip.

1 - Open the .jar file using one of the above software. I suggest on using WinRAR because it retains the file structure of the archive.

2 - Navigate to the file system and double click on the META-INF directory.

3 - Extract the MANIFEST.MF into your hard disk and the open it using any text editor that you may have. e.g. Notepad, or Wordpad.

4 - You will see something like MIDlet-Name: XXXXXX where XXXXXX corresponds as the name of the midlet. Edit it to your liking then add it back to the archive above replacing the previous MANIFEST.MF file.

5 - Enjoy

p/s : You can also edit the icon size of the midlet for it to be uniform with the other icons.


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p/s : Saja2 nak speaking.. hehe..

Ruang Borak